#21 Creo que no entiendes el significado tú. Pero no quiero perder el tiempo dando explicaciones sobre algo en el que desde e principio has decidido que no ibas a creer.
#17 The gender of the faculty participants did not affect responses, such that female and male faculty were equally likely to exhibit bias against the female student.
We recruited faculty participants from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics departments at three public and three private large, geographically diverse research-intensive universities in the United States, strategically selected for their representative characteristics
#11 En parte sí. Por ejemplo: In one experiment, reported by Corinne A. Moss-Racusin and her coauthors in PNAS, 127 US scientists were asked to hire an undergraduate lab assistant and decide on a salary based on fictional CVs of equally qualified men and women. The scientists were more likely to offer the position to men as well as more hours of mentorship, and gave a lower salary to women, about eighty-eight cents to the dollar.12 These early instances of discrimination matter because the mentorship of undergraduate students is often crucial in giving a young person the confidence even to consider an academic career, not to mention its significant role in securing necessary financial resources and social connections.
In a very well written working paper presented at the American Economics Association conference in 2018, Erin Hengel argues that the best journals in economics force women to write 9 percent better than men.21 She tracked this discrepancy by measuring the degree of revision between first and published submissions. She found there was no discernible difference between the first submissions of young female and male economists; the margin of better writing was created during the editorial process by editors and referees. Although female economists end up writing better, they are not rewarded for their efforts, as their papers are accepted at the same rate as men’s.
In 1997, a study found that among female medical students in the US who reported sexual harassment, 52 percent described their career advancement as having been hurt by the experience.
Generally the women gave a very slight edge to other women in their voting, but men favored other men by a nineteenfold margin.61 Such a divergence in gendered evaluative patterns has been observed elsewhere. This meant that a woman would need to have “over three-quarters of a GPA point higher” than a man to be nominated
Todo eso presiona a las mujeres a dejar su carrera al hacérselo más dificil.
#9 Leete el artículo y luego podemos discutir los argumentos que dan.
Sobre el punto 1. La diferencia encontrada en variabilidad (no genética, sino en capacidades) es pequeña. Con la diferencia encontrada deberíamos esperar un 45% de mujeres en las universidades, asumiendo que los proferores está2n en el 10% con más capacidades.
Sobre el punto 2 hablan en el artículo. Esos sacrificios son parte de la mentalidad que tenemos.
#6 Es un artículo de divulgación, enlazando a papers científicos. Por ejemplo:
Lin Bian, Sarah-Jane Leslie, and Andrei Cimpian. “Gender stereotypes about intellectual ability emerge early and influence children’s interests.” Science 355, no. 6323 (2017): 389–391.
Timothy J. Ley, Barton H. Hamilton. “The Gender Gap in NIH Grant Applications.” Science 322, no. 5907 (2008): 1472–1474.
Lin Bian, Sarah-Jane Leslie, and Andrei Cimpian. “Gender stereotypes about intellectual ability emerge early and influence children’s interests.” Science 355, no. 6323 (2017): 389–391.
Jason M. Sheltzer and Joan C. Smith. “Elite Male Faculty in the Life Sciences Employ Fewer Women.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, no. 28 (2014): 10107.
Stephen J. Ceci and Wendy M. Williams. “Understanding current causes of women’s underrepresentation in science.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. 8 (2011): 3158-3162. See also Wendy M. Williams and Stephen J. Ceci. “National hiring experiments reveal 2: 1 faculty preference for women on STEM tenure track.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 17 (2015): 5360–5365.
Romy Van der Lee, and Naomi Ellemers. “Gender contributes to personal research funding success in The Netherlands.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 40 (2015): 12350.
J. Bohannon. “Survey of peers in fieldwork highlights an unspoken risk.” Science (New York, NY) 340, no. 6130 (2013): 265.
Science y PNAS son con Nature las tres revistas más prestigiosas.
#2 Es que ni los estudios científicos os creéis. Que la realidad no cambie vuestras creencias. Sois exactamente iguales que los que dicen que no hay cambio climáticos.
Sé que esto no va a llegar a ningún sitio en meneame, pero es uno de los mejores resúmenes que he visto sobre la evidencia del sexismo en la universidad, con referencias en cada párrafo a estudios científicos.
#163 Pregunta a tu jefa, igual te llevas una sorpresa.
Ese bloque era de 32 personas? Yo he organizado paneles en el que solo había hombres, y en otros en los que mayoritariamente había hombres. Pero nunca tendría 32 hombres y ninguna mujer.
#66 Las personas que investigan son programadores. Estoy bastante seguro de que he ido a más conferencias que tú.
Viendo como hablas de esa persona seguro que le preguntaste de una manera muy respetuosa y sin ninguna ironía sobre el sufrimiento femenino. No puedo entender cómo pudo ignorarte. Y sentarte a una mesa a pretender no hablar el idioma y escuchar es de mala educación.
#75 A todo el mundo le importa quién lo dice. Si lo dice un investigador famoso prestas más atención, si no hay mujeres de entre los 32 ponentes pues se te mete en la cabeza que no es un evento para mujeres.
#55 No se que en sector trabajas. Pero pregunta a tu jefa como se sentiría yendo a una conferencia en que 32 de 32 ponentes son hombres. Y si eso le afectaría su decisión de ir si hay otra conferencia similar donde sí haya alguna mujer.