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En menéame desde enero de 2012

8,62 Karma
4.535 Ranking
  1. @Livingstone85 Te recuerdo que lo de promocionar los envíos propios en el nótame sigue estando mal visto ;)
  2. @Charles_Dexter_Ward Me ha hamijado a mí primero xD xD Cuando descubras quién es, me dices, de momento no le he hecho caso :-D
  3. @benjami Uniqlo es bien para todo, sigo esperando a que abran uno en este puto país. :ffu:

  4. Aunque un poco tarde, Feliz San Valentín.
    Y ya sabéis si no encontráis vuestra media naranja, poneros una de otro color que total la gente no mira a los pies.
  5. @gale No creas, solo es otro tipo de estupidez.
  6. "La edad de los hombres termina. El tiempo del orco ha llegado." - Donald Trump

    La verdad que en este vídeo ha salido muy favorecido:

  7. @Stieg_bcn_2 Pero díselo, díselo al tronzadoras.
    @habitante TRONZADORAS.

    @ChiquiVigo :peineta: :pagafantas:
  9. Oh, Mona Lisa feel that beat and she's gonna light a fire
    Baila, baila, un poquita, let me stay a night
    Oh, Mona Lisa, I know we're gonna start a fire
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh, Mona Lisa feel that beat and she's gonna light a fire
    Baila, baila, un poquita, let me stay a night
    Oh, Mona Lisa, I know we're gonna start a fire
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh Mona Lisa, Lisa
    We really got it now, we got it, got it, now
    We really got it now, we got it now
    Oh, Mona Lisa, mi chiquita, when you gonna come on over
    Run, run, run, if you wanna have fun
    Come on just let me know
    Oh, Mona Lisa, I know we're gonna start a fire
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    We really got it now, we got it, got it, now
    We really got it now, we got it now
  10. Si yo fuera un país báltico, estaría ACOJONADO.
  11. Do you think about me when you're all alone?
    The things we used to do, we used to be
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    Do you think about me when the crowd is gone?
    It used to be so easy, you and me
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    When you need a way to beat the pressure down
    When you need to find a way to breathe
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    If you wanna see me when the crowd is gone
    Used to be so easy, can't you see?
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
  12. No quiero sonar alarmista, pero es muy probable que en los próximos 7 años muramos todos.
  13. @ochoceros Esoty totalmente de acuerdo en que debería ser parte de la ESO. Por otro lado, parte de la eso está sber hacer sumas con quebrados, saber hacer reglas de 3, etc y problemas básicos de matemáticas. En mi día a día encuentro a mucha gente con graves carencias en ese aspecto.
    Lo que quiero decir es que aunque fuera parte de la ESO, tendríamos el mismo problema y la gente se dejaría engañar igual.
  14. @angelitoMagno Para eso está la denostada y menospreciada formación profesional
  15. ¿El hijo de Elon Musk se llama Chachi?   media
  16. When I look up to the sky
    I see your eyes, a funny kind of yellow
    I rush home to bed, I sunk my head
    I see your face underneath my pillow
    I wake next morning, tired, still yawning
    See your face come peeping through my window
    Pictures of matchstick men and you
    Images of matchstick men and you
    All I ever see is them and you
    Windows echo your reflection
    When I look in their direction, gone
    When will this haunting stop?
    Your face, it just won't leave me alone
    Pictures of matchstick men and you
    Images of matchstick men and you
    All I ever see is them and you
    You in the sky, you with this guy
    You make me cry, you lie
    You in the sky, you with this guy
    You make me cry, you lie
    Pictures of matchstick men
    Pictures of matchstick men
    Pictures of matchstick men
    Pictures of matchstick men
  17. "Nunca se ha visto el Nótame de Menéame tan poco transitado, ojalá que pronto se acaben las revueltas." :-|
  18. Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho
    She lays down on the fresh lawn
    She can make everything magical
    But she tied one on big time
    And it makes me wanna rewind
    To back in the days when we were young
    When everything was like a loaded gun
    Ready to go off at any minute
    And you know we're gonna win again
    Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
    Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the paranoid freak, oh yeah
    She lays down on the sidewalk
    Never very analytical
    She is something simply beautiful
    Reappear when you feel magical
    To back in the days when we were young
    When everything was like a loaded gun
    Ready to go off at any minute
    Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the paranoid freak
  19. @Charles_Dexter_Ward Yo ni sabía que les habían banneado de Adsense, hize un comentario y Rafa se pensó que me estaba burlando y en realidad había sido yo :-P

    7 años después aun se lo cree :palm:
  20. @Livingstone85 El conflicto surgió porque Rafa se emparanoió pensando que yo había provocado que los banearan de AdSense.

    A partir de ese malentendido surgió el resto, partiendo de una suposición erronea.
  21. Me fui de Mediatize hace 7 años por el usuario Inconformistadel67 y hoy me salí del grupo de Telegram de Menéame por el mismo personaje, Rafa V.R

    @imparsifal ese usuario no ofrece una conversación sana precisamente

    Creo que @benjami se fue del grupo de Telegram por culpa del mismo sujeto.
  22. Ease up a little bit
    'Cause I want to want you
    Follow the money spent
    Well, that's fine to guide you
    By my side, let's go for a long ride
    In my car, I'll drive you to my star
    Out in space, won't matter where we are
    Hey, hey, yeah
    A celebration, about time
    A generation out of line, yeah
    A revolution's in everyone (ah)
    Blame the gun
    Blame the gun
    Ease up a little bit
    'Cause I have to have you
    Drink up a little bit
    If you're mine, I'll find you
    By my side, let's go for a long ride
    In my car, I'll drive you to my star
    Out in space, won't matter where we are
    Hey, hey, yeah
    A celebration, about time
    A generation out of line, yeah
    A revolution's in everyone (ah)
    Blame the gun, yeah
    Hey, hey, yeah
    A celebration, about time
    A generation out of line, yeah
    A revolution's in everyone
    Blame the...
    Celebration, about time
    Generation's out of line, yeah
    Revolution's in everyone (ah)
    Blame the gun
    Blame the gun
    Blame the gun now
    Ooh, blame the gun
